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# ``ComponentLibrary/BottomSheetViewController``
The bottom sheet is a modal view presented from the bottom as a pop over.
## Overview
The `BottomSheetViewController` is a subclass of the `UIViewController`. The bottom sheet content is another view controller embedded inside this parent view controller. The bottom sheet itself is shown as a popover, meaning it's type of modal. Bottom sheet can be dismissed from the close button, by doing a swipe gesture or by clicking outside the sheet itself. Those properties can be configured with it's view model ``BottomSheetViewModel``.
## Illustration
> This image are illustrative only. For precise examples of iOS implementation, please run the SampleApplication.
![The BottomSheetViewController on iOS](BottomSheetView)
## Topics
### View Model
- ``BottomSheetViewModel``
### Protocols
- ``BottomSheetChild``
- ``BottomSheetDismissProtocol``